Dramatized Bible StoriesUsing


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how to use

How To Use The Stories

Each story (or lesson) is divided up into 4 sections.

Section 1: The Topic Overview

This section introduces the topic in a general way. There may be several stories within a topic. If that is the case, the Topic Overview with be the same for each story.

Section 2: Before the Story

This section will give the leader some questions to think about with their group. These questions are more specific to the story. While the Topic Overview may be the same for stories within a themed category the Before the Story questions will always be different and tailored to the specific story.

Section 3: The Story

Not much else to say here except that this is the story. These are written in a first-person perspective view of the Bible story. Just a remeinder, these are not word-for-word from the Bible. The are representations of how a person might have actually witnessed the event. The core values of the scripture have been kept intact.

I always read the actual Bible passage, or have a student to it, after I read the dramatized version of the story. I recommend that any groups using these stories also do the same.

Section 4: After the Story

I find this section best if taught in small groups. I know that is not always possible but it allows for every student to get the chance to participate in the discusion. It is also helpful for the leaders to keep controll of any conversations so that they (a) are not monopolized by only a few students and (b) do not become heated when there is a difference of opinion.

This section has a list of questions to get the students thinking about what they just heard. The questions start out fairly 'generic' and become more personal as the questions progress.

It is good for the leaders to know their students. Some questions my be very personal. If your group is very tight with each other it may be acceptable, or even appropriate, to share answers and feelings with each other. If you group is new or has new students in it you may want to say something like, "This next question is kind of personal. I don't want anyone to answer out loud but I do want you to self evaluate yourself and answer the question silently." A follow up question after asking the personal question might be, "I know that was a really tough question to ask ourselves but how does it make you feel? Or how do you think someone else might feel if that questions were asked to them?"

Prayer with you students is more important that answering all the questions. If you find you are running low on time make sure you end in prayer with your students. You can always continue the discussion next time, or even after the class if someone is interested in staying a little late.

A good relationship with your students is more important than the point of a good lesson. If your students think you are just going through the motions to finish the lesson on time and that their answers don't really matter to you then you are going to loose your ability to teach them in the future ...if you haven't already lost it.

If you're not used to praying with/for students here is a short guidline with a few varied suggestions.
